Monday, September 27, 2010

An Interesting Start To The Season

So I could probably come up with a long list of excuses, and reasons why I felt terrible, and all the coulda shoulda woulda's but let's be honest... I CHOKED.

Forster - Two days of racing. Pro Tour Saturday, Olympic Distance on the Sunday - there was plenty of nerves, a week of sickness, and freezing early morning starts.

I made plenty of rookie errors, and learnt to dig deep, and feeling under done and still being able to push is worth the pain. I have become a much stronger athlete, compared to the noisy kid who rocked up to the Centennial Park Flag Poles a year ago, who was more interested in getting coffee after training than doing any work to warrant the latte sipping. Going in to both races the way I felt a year ago, I would have pulled out, and cried and said oh well. But a mentally tough off season, an amazing support network of my family, and probably the greatest training partner along with my biggest rival made sure quitting is NOT an option.

I walked away with a 5th in the Pro Tour, and a 4th in the Olympic, 2 terrible swims, 2 ok rides, 2 not so bad runs, and a partridge in a pear tree.

I have to congratulate Matilda on an awesome two days of racing, the hard work is paying off, and giving some great athletes a real run for their money. I felt like a proud Mum on the weekend :)

But, I am back, summer is here and I am excited that the only way for me to go is up - because surely one can not be that much of a muppet for an entire season...

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