Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Fending For One's Self

So, the parentals have taken a leave of absence and headed west, to Perth for Dad's work. This has been a revolutionary experience for a number of reasons:

1. I am more lazy, than I first thought - I would be quite happy to go without food, rather than walk the 20m to the garage to get bread to make lunch. Whilst I may justify my actions (or lack thereof) with the quest to be a skinny triathlete, the sub text of that is that I am lazy.

2. With parents away, and a large bed, with panoramic views of the beach, along with foxtel - a took up residency in their room. Televisions in bedrooms are a bad idea, I am more than happy to watch the same episode of Entourage or How I met Your Mother (which I have seen many times before) twice in the same night only two hours apart. I am either easily entertained, or have a memory like a gold fish.

3. Although I can cook, and would be more than happy to do so, my brother Johnny and I have survived 10 days without cooking a dinner, and have not been eating take away. AND the prospects for the remaining few days look like they will follow suit. This points out that our family feels incredibly sorry for us, and more than likely think we can't cook for ourselves, and if we did we would give ourselves food poisoning (rightly so given previous episodes)

4. I find my own company bland, and overrated. Coming home after training to a quiet house with Johnny already in bed or at work, has left me talking to myself - so I have since gone mad, and realise if my constant talking annoys me, I feel sorry for all my friends who put up with me.

5. I pretty much have the world's greatest family. My parents are like my best friends, my little brother acts like my big brother looking after me, and my dog; Barney is like my little brother (who is very cute)

6. Despite my age of 23 whereby I should be deemed completely independent from my parents - generally speaking I am a tired and needy athlete who is quite happy to admit - she would probably be lost without them :D

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