Thursday, July 29, 2010

Greetings From The Underground

In the last month I have left my full time job, been away for a bit of R&R, started a new job and have upped my training incredibly.

So I am hardly surprised that I have hit a low point. I like to refer to it as a hole that I have tripped and fallen in, and I am jsut slowly climbing my way out. So how did it happen?

1. 4 full weeks, of back to back sessins - clocking some awesome kms in swim, bike & run.Probably forgot to breathe and take things slower in my off times.
2.I didn't listen to my body, when instead of going ice skating, and dinners, and shopping and goodness knows what else - I should have been resting, and recovering.
3. Monday morning's open water session at Clovelly made me feel like I was going backwards, and spent the rest of the day dwelling on how bad I felt in that session.
4. I slept for a good 14 hours, missing riding, and then had to miss running on Tuesday. As I dwelled on the the number of missed sessions, I began to panic, and no matter what I was getting up in the morning to run and swim.
5. I began a 40min hill set only to be stopped by the Coach after 20mins, as he tried to save myself from myself.
6. Straight after this I tried again in the surf, and with a rogue 6ft set rolling through, and getting absolutely pummelled I actually thought I was going to drown!

I knew unless I did something to get back into a happy space - I could get really sick, or end up in a really negative place. And NOTHING is productive when there is lots of negativity.

So I went home, had a great coffee with my Dad, and slept the best 2 hours sleep I have had in a LONG time. I then went to work, and thought happy thoughts about the session to come that night.

I jumped in the pool and found my happy place in the water. I felt relaxed, and like I was floating - I was waiting to feel rubbish, and it never really came. I couldn't help but laugh that my weakest leg is now very much becoming my happy happy place. Running which is my strongest leg, doesn't feel peaceful like it used to.

This morning, I slept in and had a coffee on the beach at Bondi, and realised that if this is a dark hole, then I don't really have much to complain about. I know this may sound like I am just complaining, and many athletes have been through much much worse. But this was the first of big downs I have been through as an athlete.

As I have been told you need to be in the valleys in order to get to the mountain tops. AND I am hoping that I am now starting to freshen up and 'come good' as they say. This is all part of the journey and the bad times make the good times that much sweeter.

So the head noise has settled, and now looking forward to getting back into things. First step is track tonight, and if things don't go so well, it may just have to be another session at 80%...

And have things to look forward to and focus on. These are...
The City 2 Surf - ALWAYS a great day, and have a goal time to focus on... The rest will have done me the world of good.
Girl Time on Saturday - My Mumma and I are going to be girlie in the afternoon, no cap or goggles, or runners, or bikes - just lazy lunch, and getting our nails done.
Summer - Can not wait for the warm weather, and the sun to shine, and sneaky post training swims at Bondi make the days just that little much brighter...
My Little Bro is home from a 3 week camping trip today, can not wait to go and catch up with him, and hear all his crazy stories...

The moral, as much as the last week as been mentally draining, not every challenge as an athelte is physical. The mental games that I will continue to play with myself will make me stronger, and i am determined to get through them to be the very best athlete that I can be.

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